CCE preparation: Managing uncertainty in general practice
Traditional medical training emphasises a quest for certainty over uncertainty. So, rather than managing the difficult latter, we strive for the former through a process of elimination. However, certainty isn’t always possible in clinical practice and learning to acknowledge and manage uncertainty as a registrar can help you develop an important key clinical skill. It […]

Why feedback can super-charge your CCE exam preparation
Constructive feedback is an important exam preparation tool for improving your Clinical Competency Exam (CCE) performance. Learn why, plus how to ensure you’re getting the right kind of feedback to make a difference. You are currently preparing to sit the RACGP Clinical Competency Exam (CCE). You are studying consistently and putting a lot of hours […]

The benefits of studying in a group for your GP Fellowship exams
If you prefer studying in a group, you’ve chosen one of the most effective methods of learning. Research has demonstrated that students learn at a deeper level when they communicate and engage with each other during the study process. Why? Because working collegially helps them to take ownership of the content they’re learning. One of […]

Eight Reasons You Need Coaching to Help with your Fellowship Exam Preparation
So, you’re preparing to sit your Fellowship exam(s). Have you considered if Fellowship exam coaching could help? You’ve likely been reading a lot about the exam(s) you are preparing for, what the expectations are from your College, and talking to colleagues about the details. There are so many aspects to Fellowship exam preparation that you […]

Talking All Things ADHD – GP ADHD Shared Care Program Q&A Webinar
‘What is it all about?’ Join us and let’s dialogue together! The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of these multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical. Continued cross collaboration will occur […]

GP ADHD Shared Care Program
The South Australian GP ADHD Shared Care model is an exciting collaboration with CAMHS and GP Partners Australia, with the overarching goal of supporting GPs when caring for a young person who makes an informed choice to have care provided within a shared care arrangement. Shared care represents an opportunity to practice collaborative, holistic mental […]

Introducing the New GP ADHD Shared care Program
‘What is it all about?’ It is brand new and we are excited! The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical. Continued cross collaboration will […]

I’ve just sat my written exams – what do I do now?
You’ve done it – you’ve sat your RACGP written exam(s). Congratulations! Now what? You’re likely feeling relieved that the exams are over and hopefully confident that you’ve passed and that you can tick written exams off your to-do list and move on to thinking about the CCE or other bigger and brighter milestones in your […]

Manage exam-related anxiety during your fellowship exams with these 5 tips
You are preparing to sit a very important exam for your career. In fact, your whole career depends on you passing this (or these) exams. But when you think about the approaching exam you start to feel rising anxiety, coming up from your feet, like a wave that’s going to engulf you, pulling you down […]

Do you feel like a square peg in a round hole?
Have you started preparing for your Fellowship exams such as the RACGP AKT/KFP/CCE, ACRRM MCQ or another medical specialty? Many people put their lives on hold until they sit these important exams – and though it can be a challenge, it is usually time well spent. All will agree that they only want to have […]