Congratulations on passing the AKT!

We’re delighted for you and hope we can continue to support you with your future career goals, including tackling the KFP or moving on to preparing for the CCE.
Resources for your upcoming exam/s
Here are some resources that we believe may be of use to you as you continue your journey towards GP Fellowship.
CCE resources
- Ebook: 8 high power tips to pass the CCE exam
- Article: 5 reasons you should do a mock exam before the real CCE
- Article: How are your skills in motivational interviewing?
- Course: Dr CCE Premium – our most comprehensive CCE exam preparation, giving you personalised coaching, sessions with a medical educator to work through CCE cases, mock exams, webinar series, online practice cases and more.
- Course: Dr CCE – designed to get you exam ready with small group mock exam, webinar series and online practice cases.
KFP resources
- Article: 7 mistakes made in the KFP according to the RACGP
- Article: Are you on track to pass the KFP exam?
- Course: Dr KFP – our most comprehensive KFP exam preparation, giving you personalised advice, guidance and coaching to overcome any barriers to performance.
- Course: KFP Coach – guidance through 40 KFP cases over 10 weeks to improve your technique, maximise marks and help you identify knowledge gaps.
We’re continually working to improve our exam preparation courses so your feedback is invaluable. Click on the button below to let us know how you think we could improve or to leave us a testimonial if you think we did a great job.
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