Case Study: Long-Covid Education for South Western Sydney Primary Health Network
GPEx developed and delivered a highly successful webinar on appropriate management of Long Covid to primary health professionals on behalf of South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN). The webinar was extremely well received, with 95% of attendees saying they would recommend this CPD activity to a colleague. Overview South Western Sydney PHN’s catchment covers […]

Case Study: SAHMRI Women and Kids’ Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program
By leveraging our network of GP practices, GPEx assisted SAHMRI in supporting general practitioners to identify those pregnant women with low Omega-3 levels who would benefit from Omega-3 supplementation to reduce the risk of preterm birth. Overview SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute) is South Australia’s flagship independent not-for-profit health and medical research […]

Talking All Things ADHD – GP ADHD Shared Care Program Q&A Webinar
‘What is it all about?’ Join us and let’s dialogue together! The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of these multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical. Continued cross collaboration will occur […]

GP Workforce Planning Update – August
GPEx has held its first Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) Steering Group meeting, chaired by Prof. Paul Worley. The meeting was attended by representatives from key organisations in the GP sector, including participants from both GP Colleges, Rural Doctors Workforce Agency, Local Hospital Networks, Flinders University, University of Adelaide, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Australian Indigenous Doctors’ […]

GP ADHD Shared Care Program
The South Australian GP ADHD Shared Care model is an exciting collaboration with CAMHS and GP Partners Australia, with the overarching goal of supporting GPs when caring for a young person who makes an informed choice to have care provided within a shared care arrangement. Shared care represents an opportunity to practice collaborative, holistic mental […]

Introducing the New GP ADHD Shared care Program
‘What is it all about?’ It is brand new and we are excited! The Shared Care model seeks to bring together the knowledge and experience of tertiary specialist clinicians, and general practitioners on the understanding that improving the quality of help requires recognition of multiple perspectives, and that inclusivity is critical. Continued cross collaboration will […]

GPEx to lead new program in fight against SA’s GP shortage
ADELAIDE, 15 SEPTEMBER 2022 – GPEx will begin rolling out a new Australian Government program that aims to tackle the critical shortage of GPs in South Australia. The Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) service is a new national program aimed at identifying where GP trainee positions are most needed in metropolitan, regional and rural communities. […]