End of Year Greetings….
Hello! Well, that’s another year done and dusted. Although we didn’t have last year’s horrible fires to contend with, COVID’s ramifications have been felt by us all, including our pregnant women. It has been another unpredictable and challenging year, thanks to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, both here in South Australia and globally. 2021 has challenged […]

Happy New Year | Welcome to 2022….
Welcome to the first January 2022 edition of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter. We hope that you are staying safe and well during this latest wave of COVID. The year may not have started the way we all may have wanted or planned, but we remain hopeful and we are continuing to plan our CPD […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Connecting you with the news you need for GP obstetric shared care. Pregnant? Getting Vaccinated is still recommended Following the opening of the South Australian borders, there is expected to be some community transmission of COVID-19, and during the early phase of 2022 this will likely be the delta variant. […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Connecting you with the news you need for GP obstetric shared care. Pregnant? Getting Vaccinated is still recommended. Bringing you the latest news delivered straight to your inbox. SA Health has now released the COVID-19 Health System and Primary Care Response Strategies outling the system-wide plan for the management and […]

Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NEWS YOU NEED FORGP OBSTETRIC SHARED CARE Welcome to Monday – the first day of November! We are bringing you CPD activities you may like to squeeze in before the end of the year. This newsletter is designed to give you a 3-5 minute hit to fire up […]

When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions?
When can teenagers make their own treatment decisions? When practising cases for the Clinical Competency Exam (CCE), candidates are often required to reflect on what they would do in various clinical scenarios. Many find scenarios involving medico-legal issues to be the most difficult. Recently, our Medical Educators were asked the question: “What should I do […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NEWS YOU NEED FORGP OBSTETRIC SHARED CARE Welcome to the first Spring edition of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program’s enews. After all that 2020 and 2021 brought, we have found staying connected to one another has been so important. What is also important is to check […]

Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Welcome to the August edition of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program’s enews. Thank you to those who attended our GP Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar last Saturday. It was wonderful to have so many of you join us at Ayres House for some great presentations. The presentations from the […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Welcome back to another GP Obstetric Shared Care update. We are no doubt all looking forward to coming out of lock down on Wednesday. On behalf of GP Partners Australia, I would like to say a big thank you. Thank you for your continued dedication and partipation in the GP […]

Updated Advice for the Care ofPregnant Women
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, With several States plunged into lockdown, it’s back to working from home and Teams meetings for us here at GP Partners and increasing telehealth consultations for many of our GPs. But hang in there! Please take care of yourselves and each other through this current period of lockdown and we’ll […]