Case Study: Online Courses for the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Leveraging Healthcare Professionals in the Fight against Cervical Cancer Since 2021, GPEx has developed and hosted various CPD-accredited online education courses for the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer. To date these courses have trained more than 3,500 healthcare professionals to encourage participation in the National Cervical Screening Program, identify under-screened populations and […]

Case Study: Blended Learning Solutions for the Jodi Lee Foundation
Educating Healthcare Professionals to Increase Bowel Cancer Screening in Regional and Remote Australia GPEx partnered with the Jodi Lee Foundation in 2022 and 2023 to ensure healthcare professionals have the skills and knowledge to encourage and support their patients to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. More than 1,100 healthcare professionals engaged with […]

Case Study: Long-Covid Education for South Western Sydney Primary Health Network
GPEx developed and delivered a highly successful webinar on appropriate management of Long Covid to primary health professionals on behalf of South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN). The webinar was extremely well received, with 95% of attendees saying they would recommend this CPD activity to a colleague. Overview South Western Sydney PHN’s catchment covers […]

Case Study: SAHMRI Women and Kids’ Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program
By leveraging our network of GP practices, GPEx assisted SAHMRI in supporting general practitioners to identify those pregnant women with low Omega-3 levels who would benefit from Omega-3 supplementation to reduce the risk of preterm birth. Overview SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute) is South Australia’s flagship independent not-for-profit health and medical research […]

Authoritative Information for our Obstetric Shared Care GPs.
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, We hope that wherever you may be, you are safe and well during these crazy COVID days. Whether it feels like it or not, with each day that passes we are redefining our ‘new normal’. Has our trust in society changed? Has our sense of responsibility to each other altered? […]

The Whole Nine Months Magazine
Welcome to The Whole Nine Months 2020 This year is proving to be like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world, along with how we are living our lives and how GPs practice medicine. The evidence available to us at this time is that COVID-19 infection does not seem to cause preterm labour. […]

Pregnancy and Mental Health
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, 2020 has brought many unexpected challenges to our nation with fires, floods and now, the COVID-19 pandemic, that is impacting on us all in so many ways. As a profession we have to be proud as we have continued to provide the best possible care to mothers and babies. So […]

Update on PPE Supply
Are You Experiencing Difficulty in Reliably Sourcing Hygiene Products Dear GPs and Practice Managers, GPs have asked us for assistance with what is happening with supplies of PPE. It has been concerning to hear about continuing low supplies of PPE, including difficulty reliably sourcing hygiene products at a reasonable price. GP Partners Australia have identified […]

Asymptomatic Pregnant Women with Covid-19
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, As we head into the third week of April, Easter now seems far away. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold so rapidly and is changing constantly. The GP Obstetric Shared Care Program continues to look to produce information and resources that can guide and assist you during this time when treating your […]

Latest Covid-19 Update on CPD
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, I hope that you were able to manage some COVID-free time over the Easter break, and that you and your families are adjusting to life and to the impact of social distancing. It is hard to imagine what life was like just a few short weeks ago. Things are changing […]