Pregnancy and Mental Health
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, 2020 has brought many unexpected challenges to our nation with fires, floods and now, the COVID-19 pandemic, that is impacting on us all in so many ways. As a profession we have to be proud as we have continued to provide the best possible care to mothers and babies. So […]

The Folic Acid Study
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, You can help with this important studyPlease share this with your antenatal patients Why are we Doing This Study? Taking folic acid supplements before becoming pregnant and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is important and has been shown to reduce neural tube defects. Once the baby’s neural tube […]

An Update from NALHN – Diabetes Screening (GDM) in Pregnancy
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, Our GP Partners Australia COVID-19 news hub is updated regularly to bring you the latest developments and information as it becomes available, as well as our own insights to how these changes will impact you and GP Obstetric Shared Care. Due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NALHN has amended their guidelines […]

Modified Screening for Diabetes in Pregnancy During Pandemic
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, GP Partners is working hard to provide you with all the latest developments and information to keep you up to date in relation to COVID-19. Please read the following statement from Associate Professor Rosalie Grivell – Chair of the SA Health Maternal, Neonatal, Gynecological Community of Practice providing information about the […]

Coronavirus Information for You and Your Patients
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, On March 14th the Chief Medical Officer implemented social distancing measures and restricted the size of gatherings. Since then we have seen numerous changes that have resulted in flow on effects to the provision of obstetric care for women and their families. As a community, we are currently advised to stay at home unless […]

The introduction of Telehealth for GPs in the unchartered waters of COVID-19
The introduction of telehealth item numbers for general practice in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely welcomed by GPs, practices, and patients. With the expansion on March 30, 2020, to open up telehealth for all Australians, and even add more telehealth MBS item numbers for mental health and chronic disease management – […]

Covid-19 Update – Obstetric Shared Care GPs
Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, As we continue to ride the crazy rollercoaster of COVID-19, we are continuing to provide relevant and timely updates to all our Obstetric Shared Care GPs. Antenatal ClassesThe WCH have been contacted by Nourishbaby – an online education package. They are offering a 50% discount on their antenatal bundle for any interested […]
Update from the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
A letter from Dr Anupam ParangeHead of Obstetrics and GynaecologyWomen’s and Children’s DivisionNORTHERN ADELAIDE LOCAL HEALTH NETWORK Dear Obstetric Shared Care GP,RE: NALHN OBSTETRIC GP SHARED CARE COVID-19 PLAN NALHN Obstetric and Midwifery team have reviewed our work practices in line with recommendations from RANZCOG re Coronavirus. I therefore to advise you of the following […]
Covid-19: Advice and Information
GP Partners Australia is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and will be providing our Obstetric Shared Care GPs updated information as it comes to hand. Currently there is limited information on the effects of COVID-19 in pregnancy, however a preliminary study suggests no mother to child transmission (RANZCOG). Pregnant women are advised to take […]
Further Updates and Information on Covid-19
GP Partners Australia is closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and will be providing our Obstetric Shared Care GPs updated information as it comes to hand. The RCOG in the UK has provided COVID-19 and pregnancy information for Women and Clinicians. Refer to: Also below is a further reference: Other Information Sources:We encourage you […]