GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Staying in The Loop! | November 2023
‘Genetic Screening, NIPT, FTS and there is more!’ GP Obstetric Shared Care CPD Activity GP Partners Australia is proud to present another of our CPD Activities on the GP Obstetric Shared Care Calendar for 2023. Don’t miss out, the program is designed to inspire with our keynote speakers, invigorate your practice with cutting edge presentations, inform you about […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | It’s All About Genetic Screening | November 2023
Latest Updates Just for You! Hello! We’re thrilled to usher in a new edition of our GP Obstetric Shared Care newsletter – your exclusive gateway to all things pregnancy and shared care. Get ready to embark on a journey of insights, updates, and shared experiences that make our shared care family truly extraordinary. So, grab […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care | Springtime Antenatal Insights For You | October 2023
Latest Spring Updates! Hello! As we are nearing the end of October, and many of us continue to try to find the lost hour of daylight savings, we are pleased to welcome you to a Spring Edition of our Obstetric Shared Care newsletter. We anticipate that the GP Obstetric Shared Care Policy and PPG will be endorsed […]

Case Study: Long-Covid Education for South Western Sydney Primary Health Network
GPEx developed and delivered a highly successful webinar on appropriate management of Long Covid to primary health professionals on behalf of South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN). The webinar was extremely well received, with 95% of attendees saying they would recommend this CPD activity to a colleague. Overview South Western Sydney PHN’s catchment covers […]

Case Study: SAHMRI Women and Kids’ Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program
By leveraging our network of GP practices, GPEx assisted SAHMRI in supporting general practitioners to identify those pregnant women with low Omega-3 levels who would benefit from Omega-3 supplementation to reduce the risk of preterm birth. Overview SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute) is South Australia’s flagship independent not-for-profit health and medical research […]

Latest Winter Warming Updates!
Hello! Are you looking for a mid-week, mid-winter lift? Well – look no further and read on, because we will make your day feel like Spring has blossomed in your inbox! We are acutely aware that the current healthcare landscape is presenting many challenges, leaving many of you feeling somewhat drained and isolated. We deeply […]

Welcome to more Winter Wisdom!
Welcome to the first newsletter of the new Financial Year! There is nothing quite like a roaring fire in winter. It tantalises all our senses – the virtual delight of watching the flames dance, the warmth the fire provides, particularly after coming inside from the cold, as well as the rich smell of burning logs. I […]

Welcome to Winter! GP Partners Australia Announces Exciting Merger
Hello! Welcome to the first newsletter of Winter! The colder evenings have arrived and are simply perfect for grabbing a glass of something nice, some chocolate and curling up on the couch to read your Obstetric Shared Care newsletter.We are delighted to share with you the resounding success of our recent two Accreditation Seminars, where we had […]

GP Shared Care Obstetric | ‘Natal Notes #3’ | April 2023
Sharing Important Updates With You! Hello! We hope that you are well and relishing the final bursts of fading sunny autumn weather. As daylight savings ends, the nights lengthen, our skies darken and colder weather maliciously seeps into our busy lives, we trust that you will draw comfort from one lovely thought – that our […]

GP Shared Care Obstetric | Important Updates For You #2 | February 2023
Important Updates for You! SA Pregnancy Hand Held Record Version 15 of the Pregnancy Hand Held Record is now available. Other versions are now not to be used. AMENDMENT: Space to Record Rubella Titre Result in SAPR In the recent update of the South Australian Pregnancy Record (SAPR version 15), the space to record the […]