
Postponement of GP Shared Care Programs CPD Activities 

As we are sure that you would agree, the Coronavirus presents a significant risk to attendees of ‘face to face’ events, particularly the gathering of our GPs from General Practice and the large number and diversity of patients each GP sees and is exposed to. The safety of our GPs attending GP Partners Australia’s CPD […]

Covid-19 Update to Obstetric Shared Care GPs

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs Good to get to Friday! I am sure that many will be thinking this. It has been another long week, and I and all at GP Partners Australia hope that you are all holding up ok. We do feel the uncertainty and anxiety with you, and we hope you are […]

Coronavirus Information for You and Your Patients

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, The COVID-19 pandemic is unfolding so rapidly. At each antenatal consultation you are probably being asked by worried patients what it means for them, and their babies. It is clear we all need answers, based on reputable scientific sources.    Very quickly. The trouble is that we are besieged with […]

Update from Women’s and Children’s Hospital| Professor Jodie Dodd

Tips for coping with uncertain times during Fellowship exam preparation

Back in 2020, as the number of coronavirus cases rose across Australia, and news channels and social media bombarded us with local and worldwide updates on number of cases and the strategies governments are putting into place to deal with the pandemic, you may remember your stress levels increased, and the level of anxiety across […]

RACGP AKT/MCQ and KFP – Study hard or study smart?

Study hard or study smart? It’s that time of the year again: the RACGP AKT/ MCQ and KFP exams are approaching and it’s time to start thinking about studying. Find out how to prepare a smart study plan so you can maximise your study time and maximise your exam success. We know you know how to study hard … […]

Are you on track to pass the KFP exam?

It is important for you to know whether your performance in mock exams can indicate how well you will perform in the actual KFP exam. How can you check? Are you on track to pass the RACGP KFP Fellowship exam? We hear many candidates saying things like “I am scoring 60% on practice exam xy or […]

How to motivate yourself for RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship exam prep this holiday season

How to motivate yourself for exam preparation during busy times like the holiday season The RACGP and ACRRM Fellowship exams are usually big hurdles for most people. They require significant amounts of time invested in study, mastering technique and building up vast amounts of knowledge. Getting motivated to study can be challenging. Especially when it […]

13 essential last minute tips for RACGP or ACRRM Fellowship exams

13 essential last minute exam tips What can you do in the last few days prior to Fellowship exams to make sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be? It’s clearly too late to revise everything. But all is not lost. Read on for our essential last minute exam tips. # 1 Take time to […]

Programmatic Assessment Roadshow

November 2017 was the month of Programmatic Assessment Masterclasses in Australia for ModMed (GPEx). Five workshops, hosted by five different organisations in four cities, saw over 400 people attend the Masterclasses. They were led by Prof Cees Van der Vleuten, from Maastricht University, Prof Lambert Schuwirth from The Prideaux Centre at Flinders University and Ms Christine […]