Category: General News

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Wellbeing Policy and Support for Registrars

GPEx encourages all registrars to have their own GPs who can provide continuity of care, and access to support networks, in times of need. We support registrars experiencing personal and/or professional difficulties by working with them to construct a support plan, which may include professional counselling or psychological services. If circumstances have impacted your training, […]

Meet Dr Cristina Valero

I initially had no interest in General Practice. That is, until I experienced it firsthand. I spent my first internship rotation at the Goyder’s Line Medical Centres and Hospitals (Mid-North SA), and was given an incredible insight into exactly what rural GP could offer. I applied to General Practice Training as soon as I came […]

Telehealth resources

Telehealth Resources RACGP – for information about supervision requirements in telehealth consultations go to the ‘GPs in training’ tab. Click here for further information from the RACGP about telehealth generally

What should be in an Early Safety Assessment? Lessons from the experts and the RTO experience

In 2021, GPEx, in partnership with Flinders University, GP Synergy, General Practice Training Tasmania and General Practice Training Queensland, conducted research into Early Safety Assessments (ESAs) to understand the level of supervision required for early registrars (GPT1). This research project was supported by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners with funding from the Australian […]

Meet Dr Kim Omond

When Dr Kim Omond finished medical school, she wanted to be an emergency physician due to the variety of practice. “However, after working in critical care settings in many different hospitals, I realised that shift work and the lifestyle a career in critical care demands wasn’t for me. “The great thing about General Practice is […]

Strategies for caring for yourself during times of trauma and stress

It is important to take time to care for yourself when you are caring for others. Be aware of your own stress levels and feelings and make time to speak to someone about your feelings. This may be the Doctors Health SA helpline which you can access on (08) 8366 0250. This number is available 24 hours per day and […]

GPEx wins inaugural RACGP Foundation Harry Nespolon Research Grant

GPEx, South Australia’s sole RTO for the education and training of doctors specialising in General Practice, is proud to be the inaugural winner of the RACGP Foundation Harry Nespolon Research Grant. Valued at up to $60,000, the Grant will fund a research project into the wellbeing of GPs and/or GPs in training, including factors that […]

Meet Dr Samuel Clements

In the 1990s, a shortage of local doctors with the skills to deliver babies in regional South Australia meant Samuel Clements was born more than 40 kilometres away from his family home in Robe. More than two decades later, the ongoing demand for rural GPs with obstetrics skills has inspired Samuel to train on the […]

The link between climate change and Tuberculosis – ground-breaking research by students from the University of Adelaide

In 2021, four medical students from the University of Adelaide completed a research project as part of their studies with the support of GPEx Senior Medical Educator, Assoc. Prof Jill Benson AM. Sahil Kharwadkar, Vinal Attanayake, John Duncan and Novindu Navaratne undertook a systematic review on the potential impact of climate change on the transmission […]

Meet Dr Georgina Mills

The opportunity to provide personalised medical care with responsibility for the health and wellbeing of regional communities inspired Dr Georgina Mills to become a rural GP. A desire for her children to grow up in country Australia added to the appeal. “In a rural town as a Rural Generalist the medicine is more personal, you […]