Ace Your
GP Fellowship Exams

Prepare yourself with our expert-led courses for AKT, KFP, MCQ, and CCE exams.

Access targeted strategies, personalised feedback, and the expertise of Australian medical educators to achieve your Fellowship goals confidently.

99% clinical accuracy with prompt guideline updates
Supported over 10k+ doctors with their exams
Highly Rated
88% of registrars recommend our products to other colleagues


  • 1,170+ MCQ/AKT Questions
  • 380+ KFP Questions
  • 30+ Practice CCE Cases
  • For RACGP AKT & KFP,
  • For RACGP
  Dr MCQ
Question bank only
Question bank only
Dr MCQ KFP Coach Dr KFP AKT+KFP Ultimate
Subscription (months) 12 12 18 To next RACGP KFP 18 18
One-on-one performance coaching sessions
(2 x 60mins)
No No Yes No Yes Yes
MCQ question bank + benchmarking dashboards Yes No Yes No No Yes
KFP question bank No Yes No No Yes Yes
KFP webinar hosted by medical educators No No No No Yes Yes
Mock KFP exams
(half + full length,
marked with feedback)
No No No No Yes Yes
KFP Coach
(40 cases x 10 weeks)
No No No Yes No Yes
  $350 $490 $830 $900 $1,400 $2,550
  Dr CCE Dr CCE Premium Dr CCE Medical Educator one-on-one session
Subscription (months) To next RACGP CCE To next RACGP CCE To next RACGP CCE
Small group mock exam Yes Yes No
Practice cases and online resources Yes Yes No
Webinars with medical educators Yes Yes No
One-on-one medical educator session
(1 x 80mins)
No Yes Yes
One-on-one performance coaching sessions
(2 x 60mins)
No Yes No
  $950 $1590 $425

for free

Get started now with our free exam prep pack — no credit card needed. Dive in and explore at your own pace.


How does GPEx’s customisable MCQ Quiz Builder work?

GPEx’s Quiz Builder lets you create personalised quizzes from a pool of hundreds of questions. You can choose the number of questions and which clinical topics to include, and opt for timed or untimed quizzes. Each question includes correct answers, detailed explanations, and references for a comprehensive learning experience.

What can I expect from the individual Performance Coaching sessions?

Sessions run for 60 minutes and provide personalised exam coaching with an organisational psychologist, focusing on motivation, self-confidence, procrastination, balance, and exam anxiety to enhance your performance and well-being.

What are mock exam peer performance and comparison dashboards?

Our mock exam performance and peer comparison dashboards provide tailored analysis of your mock exam attempts. These dashboards benchmark your performance against our research group cohort, indicating your likelihood of passing your real exam and helping to identify any knowledge gaps.

What additional resources do I need for the GPEx Fellowship Exam Preparation courses?

All course materials are supplied, but you’ll need a laptop or phone with internet access and a quality headset and webcam for webinars, coaching sessions, and video materials.

What happens if I need to discontinue my studies? Is there a cancellation policy?

Yes. You can view our Cancellation and Refund Policy here.

Does GPEx offer any discounts on their enrolments?

Yes. For some programs GPEx offers a 10% discount for returning customers on request.

Can GPEx guarantee a pass in my exams?

GPEx provides essential resources for exam success, but passing depends on your effort, knowledge, and skills.

Is it possible to enrol even if I don’t plan to take the exams right now?

Yes. GPEx courses are valuable for all GPs, no matter their current plans. Our course content is regularly updated to benefit everyone.

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