Category: General News

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Over the Counter Codeine Changes

In response to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) ruling that Codeine would no longer be available over the counter Country SA PHN collaborated with GPEx to deliver an update to health professionals in Whyalla. Facilitated by Dr Chris Holmwood, Director Clinical Consultation Liaison and Standards at the Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA), this […]

Meet Dr Natasha Nottingham

I chose the General Pathway with the RACGP, because it provided me with flexibility and convenience. I was able to work close to home, and even ride my bike to work when I first started. I am also able to see a broad range of patients, which challenges me on a daily basis. The holistic […]

Administering intravenous iron in General Practice

First published on Medical Republic. Until recently, iron infusions were strictly a hospital-only procedure, but they are now easy to do in general practice. Jasmine is a 15-year-old girl with an obsession for crunching on ice, diagnosed with pica syndrome. Your investigations show that her Hb is low at 76g/L, and she is severely iron deficient. […]

Attention GPs and Nurse Cervical Screening Providers! Test your knowledge about HPV self-collection with these 5 questions

Cervical cancer is preventable! It is saddening to think that in 2021 people are still dying from cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many people are not participating in the National Cervical Screening Program, and currently more than 50% of eligible participants in Australia are overdue for cervical screening. Here are some of the reasons why many women […]

The importance of our Supervisor Liaison Officers (SLO) and Supervisor Team

GPEx is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Bill Geyer as the GPEx rural SLO with Dr Frank Maldari continuing in his role as the urban SLO. The Supervisor Liaison Officers are experienced GP Supervisors who liaise between GPEx and the wider GPEx Supervisor group. They are a conduit for GP Supervisors’ ideas and […]

Meet Dr Bill Geyer

Rural general practice incorporates the best features of all medical specialties. I’ve spent my career as a rural procedural GP, including obstetrics and anaesthetics, working in country locations across the Northern Territory and New South Wales and in Tanunda for the past 25 years. I provide continuity of care, from cradle to grave, in consulting […]

Three things GPs and nurses can do to increase bowel cancer screening participation rates in their practice

The facts Bowel cancer screening helps detect bowel cancer or pre-cancerous polyps early, so how can we encourage our patients to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP)? Australia has one of the highest incidences of bowel cancer in the world. 1 in 13 people are diagnosed each year with bowel cancer, making […]

GPs… can you answer these 5 questions about breast cancer screening?

The Facts Question: Is BreastScreen still operating during the COVID-19 pandemic? Answer: BreastScreen has implemented several measures to ensure they are COVIDSafe. However, capacity within the BreastScreen program currently differs between states. Therefore, it is important that patients contact their local service by phoning 13 20 50 to make enquiries about appointment availability. Question: Do women receive […]

How can GPs and cancer screening nurses overcome cancer screening barriers

Cancer screening saves lives National cancer screening programs are available in Australia for breast, bowel and cervical cancer. Despite these being free of charge to all Australians, the uptake of these programs is variable. We discuss some of the common barriers to people participating in cancer screening below, and how primary healthcare providers can overcome […]

Applying for GP training as a temporary visa holder

Are you a visa holder and wondering if you’re eligible for GP training with GPEx?If you are a foreign graduate of an Accredited Medical School (FGAMS), hold a 457, 482, 485, 491, 494, or 820 visa, and meet certain requirements, then you may be eligible to apply to the AGPT Program and train with GPEx. […]