
A new dermatology tool for HCP’s

DermNet has long been the go-to resource for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to learn about a wide range of dermatological conditions, from medical student to Fellowed doctor. DermNet is now announcing an exciting new platform specifically designed for healthcare professionals. DermNet PRO builds on the strengths of DermNet and adds additional features and tools designed to […]

Blog Feature - A new dermatology tool for HCP’s

CPD for GPs: 5 tips on how to complete your annual CPD

Well done if your CPD (Continued Professional Development) hours are up to date! Unfortunately, not every GP will be on schedule to meet this requirement. If you’re a bit behind schedule, keep reading because GPEx has some great tips and advice on how to complete your 50 hours of CPD before 31 December.  That’s right, […]

CPD Blog 1 5 tips on how to complete your annual CPD Feature Image

Exercise boosts memory and concentration: ideal for Fellowship Exam Prep

Exercise benefits health in many ways. Exercise stimulates physiological changes in the body such as encouraging production of growth factors: chemicals that affect the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance, survival, and overall health of new brain cells. It preserves muscle strength, keeps our hearts strong, helps us to […]

Blog Feature -Exercise boosts memory and concentration ideal for Fellowship Exam Prep

Are you preparing for the ACRRM MCQ Fellowship exam? We can help.

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) MCQ exam is a written online assessment which assesses recall, reasoning and applied clinical knowledge. ACRRM stresses that it focuses on assessing the candidate’s ability to manage medical care in a rural or remote environment, with the aim to cover all eight domains of rural and […]

Five Key Takeaways from the RACGP 2024.2 Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) Report  

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) provides candidates with a public exam report after results are released, giving feedback on what the common errors were for the cohort and what to consider or learn from these. This provides valuable insights which can be applied to future exams or possible improvement to make if […]

Blog Feature - Top Strategies for Mastering the RACGP AKT Exam

MBS Billing Items You May Be Underutilising 

As General Practitioners, navigating the complexities of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is an essential yet challenging aspect of your practice. While many of you are well-versed with the common MBS items, there are some lesser-known billing opportunities that might benefit your practice and your patients. This blog will shed light on a few of […]

Blog Feature - MBS Billing Items You May Be Underutilising

Memory recall versus recognition – an important distinction for effective Fellowship exam preparation

Memory and Learning  An important part of learning when studying for Fellowship exams is memory retrieval. When you are studying, you are attempting to transfer information from your short-term memory into your long-term memory. Retrieval is the cognitive act of retrieving or recalling this information from your long-term memory into your short-term memory. When you […]

Palliative Care Connect, what do you need to know?

As a GP, you play a crucial role in guiding patients and their families through the often-overwhelming journey of palliative care. To support you in this role, South Australia has introduced Palliative Care Connect, a navigation model designed to link patients, carers, and clinicians with the right services and pathways. This service can be a […]

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter – September 2024

Your GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are big believers in the power of staying in the loop! Your ongoing dedication and active participation in the program play a pivotal role in making it a success! We’re excited to present the newest CPD Activities within our Obstetric Shared Care Program, ensuring you stay informed and engaged […]

WCHN Finalist

We’re proud to announce that our GP ADHD Shared Care Program was a finalist in the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) Excellence Awards for 2024. This honour recognises our efforts in translating research into practice and enhancing quality care. The program aims to ensure a smooth transition for young individuals with ADHD from paediatric […]