
Cost of Teaching Research – The Results are In!

The results have been released from GPEx’s recent research exploring the cost of teaching in general practice. This research was supported by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) with funding from the Australian Government, and led by South Australia’s Regional Training Organisation, GPEx, in collaboration with the University of Adelaide and General Practice […]

It’s Winter 2022….

Hello! 2022 seems to be flying by and here we are at the beginning of winter! Your Obstetric Shared Care Team have been busy arranging CPD activities and to date we have completed 6 CPD activities this year, including two GP Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminars, one GPEx workshop and a weekend spent at the […]

GPEx and GPSA launch new research project about the financial costs and revenue of teaching and supervision in general practice

GPEx, in partnership with GP Supervisors Australia (GPSA) and the University of Adelaide, is pleased to launch their latest research project to better understand the financial implications of teaching and supervision in the AGPT program across Australia. The financial costs and revenue of teaching and supervision in general practice research project has been funded through an RACGP Education […]

Wellbeing Policy and Support for Registrars

GPEx encourages all registrars to have their own GPs who can provide continuity of care, and access to support networks, in times of need. We support registrars experiencing personal and/or professional difficulties by working with them to construct a support plan, which may include professional counselling or psychological services. If circumstances have impacted your training, […]

Happy Easter 2022….

Hello! We have just held our first GP Obstetric Shared Care Accreditation Seminar for this year and we were pleased that so many of you attended at the Adelaide Pavilion. We are now thrilled to announce that the second of our Accreditation Seminars will take place on Saturday 7th May in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, at the […]

Meet Dr Cristina Valero

I initially had no interest in General Practice. That is, until I experienced it firsthand. I spent my first internship rotation at the Goyder’s Line Medical Centres and Hospitals (Mid-North SA), and was given an incredible insight into exactly what rural GP could offer. I applied to General Practice Training as soon as I came […]

Telehealth resources

Telehealth Resources RACGP – for information about supervision requirements in telehealth consultations go to the ‘GPs in training’ tab. Click here for further information from the RACGP about telehealth generally

What should be in an Early Safety Assessment? Lessons from the experts and the RTO experience

In 2021, GPEx, in partnership with Flinders University, GP Synergy, General Practice Training Tasmania and General Practice Training Queensland, conducted research into Early Safety Assessments (ESAs) to understand the level of supervision required for early registrars (GPT1). This research project was supported by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners with funding from the Australian […]

Clinical Pearls in 2022….

Hello! This week’s Federal Budget focussed on easing cost of living pressures and there were several key announcements that could impact GPs! One take-away is that from 1 July 2021, the cost of obtaining COVID-19 tests required to attend a place of work will be tax deductible to employees. This also ensures that these expenses will […]

Meet Dr Kim Omond

When Dr Kim Omond finished medical school, she wanted to be an emergency physician due to the variety of practice. “However, after working in critical care settings in many different hospitals, I realised that shift work and the lifestyle a career in critical care demands wasn’t for me. “The great thing about General Practice is […]