
Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Service Helen Mayo House Webinars 2020

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NEWS YOU NEED FORGP OBSTETRIC SHARED CARE COVID-19, Babies and Curve Balls: Stress in perinatal families and how to help even in non-COVID times Giving birth and adjusting to a new baby is often a stressful time in itself. […]

Meet Dr Lachlan Mackinnon

An appreciation for rural communities and an understanding of the needs of those communities was always in the forefront of Lachlan’s mind when he pursued a career in Rural General Practice. Having grown up in the country and with a father who is a Rural Generalist, providing specialist general practice skills as well as anaesthetics, […]

Updated Advice for the Care of Pregnant Women

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, STATEMENT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF SEASONAL INFLUENZA VACCINES IN 2020 Influenza vaccination for pregnant women: You can access the full statement here. CLICK HERE NALHN Booking Update GP Obstetric Shared Care at NALHN will be offering women the opportunity to have their initial booking visit at a Community Outreach Clinic. The GP Obstetric Shared […]

GPEx Future Thinkers

Our world is in a state of constant and rapid change, requiring individuals and organisations to be outward-looking, innovative and collaborative to seize opportunities and protect against risk. Meanwhile, the media confirms daily that our current health system faces many challenges, or maybe opportunities? Within GP training we have seen a significant decline in junior […]

Rural Practice Managers – Stepping up to lead in challenging times

Practice Managers frequently find themselves ‘wearing different hats’ as they face the day-to-day challenges of managing a fast-paced practice and as a result, often put themselves last. We wish to congratulate our six Practice Managers  whom have recently successfully completed the sixteen-week Practice Review Project for Practice Managers (PRPPM), funded by Country SA PHN and delivered in […]

World breastfeeding week

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. Such an important time to reflect on practice and to think about what you could be doing to ensure the women in your care are well supported in those important days and weeks following birth. Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet […]

GPEx Exposure – A trip to the North

GPEx Exposure is a program based around engagement with Medical Students, Interns and RMOs, in an effort to “expose” these potential applicants to General Practice and in turn have a positive impact on those candidates choosing GP as a specialty. Last week, GPEx Exposure went on the road with the Adelaide University Rural Health Alliance […]

Perinatal Consultant Advice Line (PAL)

Dear Obstetric Shared Care GPs, You may be aware that SA Health introduced the PAL as a state-wide communication strategy in 2009 to assist clinicians secure consultant obstetrician and/or neonatologists advice in the event of a deteriorating perinatal patient. The revised Perinatal Consultant Advice Line Flow Chart has now been reviewed and approved by the SA […]

Pass your MCQ, AKT or KFP – Optimise your GP Exam Preparation with this checklist

A particular pattern of behaviours tends to represent successful MCQ, AKT and KFP exam preparation The more of these behaviours that you do and can ‘tick’ on this list, the more likely you are following an optimal GP exam preparation pattern to enable exam success. Though these behaviours don’t guarantee that you will pass your […]

Meet Dr Wissam Ghamrawi

Coming from a family of surgeons, Dr Wissam Ghamrawi assumed he would follow the same path, but there was always something missing. In general practice, Wissam found the daily diversity, the simplicity and the complexity, and above all the community that finally combined all his passions both inside and outside medicine. After four years in […]