
The Biopsychosocial Approach: Helping Patients Return To Work 

In the realm of patient care, the journey to recovery is often intricate and multifaceted. For many patients, a key milestone is returning to work—a process that requires more than just physical healing. It demands a comprehensive approach that addresses mental health, social support, and the environment they are returning to. As a GP, employing […]

ReturnToWorkGP Blog 1

Empowering Patients: The Art of Deprescribing in Palliative Care 

In the realm of palliative care, where the focus is on improving quality of life for patients with serious illnesses, deprescribing has emerged as a crucial component. Deprescribing refers to the systematic process of reducing or stopping medications that may be unnecessary or potentially harmful, particularly as patients near the end of life. As general […]

Palliative Care Blog

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter – May 2024

Your GP Obstetric Shared Care Team are big believers in the power of staying in the loop! Your ongoing dedication and active participation in the program play a pivotal role in making it a success! We’re excited to present the newest CPD Activities within our Obstetric Shared Care Program, ensuring you stay informed and engaged […]

Case Study: Online Courses for the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer 

Leveraging Healthcare Professionals in the Fight against Cervical Cancer  Since 2021, GPEx has developed and hosted various CPD-accredited online education courses for the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer. To date these courses have trained more than 3,500 healthcare professionals to encourage participation in the National Cervical Screening Program, identify under-screened populations and […]

ACPCC Case study Feature

Case Study: Blended Learning Solutions for the Jodi Lee Foundation

Educating Healthcare Professionals to Increase Bowel Cancer Screening in Regional and Remote Australia GPEx partnered with the Jodi Lee Foundation in 2022 and 2023 to ensure healthcare professionals have the skills and knowledge to encourage and support their patients to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. More than 1,100 healthcare professionals engaged with […]

Jodi Lee Case Study Feature

5 Key Takeaways from the RACGP 2024.1 Key Feature Exam Report 

The time between sitting the RACGP Fellowship exams and receiving your results can be an anxious time to wait. Did you pass? How do your results compare to those of your peers? If you passed, congratulations! You can look forward to the next stage of your journey in General Practice. If you did not pass […]

KFP Exam Feedback Blog

Sleep as a strategy to improve Fellowship exam performance

Did you know that sleep is important for exam preparation? We all know how terrible we feel when we haven’t slept yet ironically, sleep is often a neglected component of exam preparation because people underestimate its importance. Human and animal studies show that both the quantity and quality of sleep have a profound impact on […]

Exam Prep Quality Sleep Blog

Launch of the GP ADHD Shared Care Program

GPEx has recently introduced the GP ADHD Shared Care Program to aid adolescents with ADHD during their transition from paediatric services to adult healthcare. This initiative extends the framework previously established by the Women’s & Children’s Hospital to encompass the services provided by the Northern and Southern Adelaide Health Networks. Designed with the successful GP […]

Launch of the GP ADHD Shared Care Program

VCS Pathology Audit Launched with ACPCC

GPEx, in collaboration with VCS Pathology, a division of the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC), has developed an innovative and fully online Cervical Screening Audit for general practitioners. The audit affords GPs access to a comparative analysis of their screening results, with the aim of driving meaningful progress in their practices. […]

VCS Pathology Audit Launched with ACPCC

Is life leaving you feeling disorganised and overwhelmed?

Life can get pretty hectic, particularly when you’re a healthcare professional. It’s easy to try to fit more and more into your busy schedule to the point of bursting; especially when you work and have children, elderly parents, family or community all needing your input or attention. Life can become ultra busy to the point […]

Disorganised Blog Feature Image Updated