
Developing an evidence-based, practical and contextualised Workplace Based Assessment Framework

In late 2018, GPEx was awarded a special Education Research Grant by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to design a Workplace-based Assessment (WBA) Framework for use within Australian General Practice Training (AGPT). This Framework was completed in collaboration with, Flinders University, EVGPT, GP Synergy, GPTQ, GPTT, MCCC, NTGPE, RVTS and WAGPET. To inform Framework development the following project streams were completed: The […]

Perinatal Practice Guideline Updates for GPs

A number of Guidelines have been published on both the SA Health website (available at and and web-based a (available at Please find attached the guideline upload summaries that detail key points/changes. Perinatal Practice Guidelines: Access Here Neonatal Medication Guidelines• Colecalciferol• Multivitamins (Penta-Vite®) Access Here Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes• Changes to the SA Perinatal Practice […]

A woman’s work is never done – or is it?

Did you know, the origin of that saying actually comes from an old rhymed couplet which goes: Man may work from sun to sun,But woman’s work is never done. An easy and memorable saying, however I think the following could be preferred… “A woman is like a tea bag; it’s only when she’s in hot […]

Putting your best self forward in a new rural community

Rural and Remote training can often seem like a daunting challenge – especially as young women. Not only do we need to get our heads around a new job, but move away from our base support networks of family and friends and potentially take on the demanding on-call roll. Further challenges arise with acclimatising ourselves […]

The Importance of Self-Care

The new year always brings with it an exciting new chapter, the buzz of what’s to come, new challenges and new routines. It’s easy to get carried away and before you know it, March Madness has whizzed on by and you wonder why you’re feeling flat. You’ve forgotten to look after yourself. We have heard […]

What is an Academic Post?

Introducing Dr Sean Black-Tiong, GPEx Registrar. Sean is currently a GPT3 working part-time in an outer metropolitan Adelaide clinic and completing an RACGP extended skills Academic post. So, what is an Academic post? In the simplest terms, it is an extended skills rotation in research and teaching. To undertake an Academic Post, you must complete a written […]

Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Summer

Targeting Perinatal Mental Health In recognition of the recent Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Awareness (PANDA) Week, the ‘Talking Women’ article for Medical Observer focuses on this important area of women’s health. Finkel Professor of Global Health Jane Fisher explains that perinatal anxiety and depression is temporary and treatable. To find out more, please download the article. Perinatal Mental Health […]

GPEx applauds the Marshall Government Rural Health Workforce Strategy for South Australia

South Australian general practice training organisation, GPEx, applauds the announcement from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Stephen Wade, that the Rural Health Workforce Strategy will immediately deliver $2 million to better support rural health professionals and the health needs of regional and remote communities in our state. GPEx Chief Executive Officer, Christine Cook, endorses […]

Our graduates are making a difference

GPEx has undertaken research in order to better understand the regional distribution of our graduates from GP training within SA, and the personal and professional factors that may be associated with this. We have analysed the data for graduates who completed their training between 2010-2016 and matched this with their current practice location (obtained from […]

Cessation of the SA Health Apple app Practices Guideline Reader

As you would be aware, the SA Maternal, Neonatal and Gynaecology, and the SA Child and Adolescent Health Communities of Practice facilitate the development and review of Practice Guidelines. Both SA Communities of Practice have endorsed the cessation of the SA Health Apple app – ‘Practices Guideline Reader’, which ceased operation as of 13 November […]