
6 Core Skills to Help You Become an Effective Coach for Your Injured Patient

As an Allied Health Professional (AHP), you already know that you play a pivotal role in the treatment and recovery of patients who have been injured at work. But did you know that effective coaching skills can be a real game-changer in the recovery process and can significantly impact on patient outcomes? Evidence increasingly points […]

Effective Coach for Your Injured Patient Blog Feature

GP ADHD Shared Care News | Senate backs General Practice to have larger ADHD role | November 2023

Senate Backs General Practice To Have Larger ADHD Role Allowing GPs to play a greater part in diagnosis and management could reduce harms caused by existing treatment barriers, a bipartisan committee found. A Senate committee’s seven-month inquiry into ADHD assessment and treatment barriers has produced a host of recommendations, including for GPs to play a greater […]

How to pass your GP Fellowship multiple choice exam (AKT or MCQ)

Are multiple choice tests easy? With no writing involved and the correct answer being written on the page in front of you some people might think so. But even multiple choice tests can prove challenging without proper preparation. So, as you study for your exam, you may want to consider the following. Multiple choice questions […]

GP Fellowship multiple choice exam Blog Feature

Feeling burnt out? It may be more to do with your values than your workload 

Burn out in general practitioners is real and prevalent. The latest RACGP Health of the Nation study found that more than seven in 10 GPs (71%) reported experiencing feelings of burnout in 2023. Not surprisingly, the rate of burnout is even higher among those who own their own practice: two in five practice owners responded […]

Feeling burnt out Blog Feature

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | Staying in The Loop! | November 2023

‘Genetic Screening, NIPT, FTS and there is more!’  GP Obstetric Shared Care CPD Activity  GP Partners Australia is proud to present another of our CPD Activities on the GP Obstetric Shared Care Calendar for 2023. Don’t miss out, the program is designed to inspire with our keynote speakers, invigorate your practice with cutting edge presentations, inform you about […]

Taking Flight: The Launch of our NEW Practice Nurse Program

Boost your practice’s performance and patient satisfaction by empowering your nursing staff with our comprehensive GPEx Practice Nurse Education and Development Program. Designed specifically for general practices, this program will upgrade your team’s expertise in crucial areas including ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health’, ‘Asthma and COPD Management’, ‘Cardiovascular Disease’, ‘Chronic Kidney Disease’, and ‘Diabetes.’ […]

Taking Flight The Launch of our NEW Practice Nurse Program Blog Feature

Navigating the Tide of Burnout: Strategies for GPs as the Year Draws to a Close

As the year draws to a close, the spotlight turns to a pressing issue within the medical community: burnout amongst general practitioners (GPs). According to the latest RACGP report, Health of the Nation, an alarming 71% of GPs experienced feelings of burnout in 2023. This statistic is a clarion call for action and self-care amongst […]

Beating Burnout Blog Feature

How GPs Can Promote Self-Management in Patients with Chronic Pain

Dealing with chronic pain is a daily struggle for a significant number of patients across the globe. As General Practitioners (GPs), we frequently encounter patients relying heavily on medications to manage their pain. However, increasing evidence suggests that self-management, particularly through education, empowerment, and challenging mindset about pain can lead to a considerable improvement in […]

Self-Management Opioid Management Blog Feature

GP Obstetric Shared Care Newsletter | It’s All About Genetic Screening | November 2023

Latest Updates Just for You! Hello! We’re thrilled to usher in a new edition of our GP Obstetric Shared Care newsletter – your exclusive gateway to all things pregnancy and shared care. Get ready to embark on a journey of insights, updates, and shared experiences that make our shared care family truly extraordinary. So, grab […]

What to do the night before your fellowship exams 

It is important to understand that while you may focus on the night before the exam, or exam-day preparation, the overall exam experience is multi-faceted. There are three equally important supplementary “phases” surrounding the exam itself: the learning phase, the preparation phase, and the post-result phase (Raffety et al., 1997). So, while the focus is […]

Night before your fellowship exams Blog Feature